Prof. Malcolm Kell


General Surgery, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Sub specialties

Breast Surgery


Malcolm Kell has worked as a consultant surgeon and clinical professor within the national breast screening programme in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital since 2005.  Malcolm Kell graduated from the University of Glasgow and trained in Scotland, England and Ireland then completed research training at Harvard Medical school, Boston, and surgical oncology training in Fox Chase Cancer Centre, Philadelphia. 

Professor Kell acted as Lead Surgeon in Breasthealth, Mater Misericordiae University hospital 2008-2012, was chair of the 8 symptomatic cancer centres to the National Cancer Control Program Ireland 2010-2012, and has chaired the Institutional Review Board in the Mater campus from 2009 to present. Malcolm was president of the Society of Irish Breast Surgeons since 2012-2014.